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Curabitur et lectus vitae purus tincidunt laoreet sit amet ac ipsum. Proin tincidunt mattis nisi a scelerisque. Aliquam placerat dapibus eros non ullamcorper. Integer interdum ullamcorper venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apple rings and Antti Karppinen, 2013 IPA winning photographer

Just to clarify - THESE PHOTOS ARE NOT TAKEN BY ANTTI KARPPINEN :)! Some of Antti's work you can see HERE (there's a slight difference ;)).Apple rings - OmenachipsitAfter receiving only a 2 hr Skype training from Antti Karppinen, 2013 International Portrait Award winning photographer, last Thursday, I think I've accomplished best shots I've ever taken. And I want to thank Antti. Seriously, humbly thank him. Take it from me - he really knows his thing! We were planning to organize a workshop in one of the major cities in Europe during the fall,...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Apple crumble and learning to use my Canon EOS 650D

Easy and fast apple crumble - helppo ja nopea omenapaistosI don't have much of a sweet tooth really (chocolate and SALT licorice don't count), but I do love the combination of sweet and sour. Apple crumble, the very traditional Finnish version with oatmeal on top, is one of my very favorites. There are tons of different kinds of recipes available, but let me share this 15-minute-preparation-time one. If you don't consider the butter and sugar, it is even healthy ;).Easy and fast apple crumble - helppo ja nopea omenapaistosEasy and fast apple crumble...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Frames on shelves - 30 euros later

Frames on shelves - taulut hyllyilleYes, I was surprised REALLY is more about - just get it done, woman!! I got it done. Took a couple of hours in total, and 30 euros. 20 euros for the shelves from Ikea, and 10 euros for the matt black paint and a paint brush.Frames on shelves - taulut hyllyilleFrames on shelves - taulut hyllyilleLooks nice and neat, doesn't it? All the frames of different style and color - together happily ever after.Frames on shelves - taulut hyllyille***Itsekin yllätyin, että se TODELLA on kiinni viitseliäisyydestä,...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Crochet carpet - Knit Hit Kit virkattu matto

Crochet carpet - virkattu mattoDo you like crochet carpets? I love them. I was a bit skeptical about the practicality, need to admit, before I got one on our bathroom floor from our wonderful, beautiful crochet queen Salla.  It is there, in front of the shower, and gets wet every day. It dries well, and feels wonderful under the feet. And gets washed every week, and tumble-dried (I have this severe allergy for that dish-cloth smell - if I even sense, it is on it's way somewhere in our house, the object gets to be washed in 60 degrees. No exceptions.)....